60 Awesome Sites with Stunning Free Stock Photos

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Free Stock Photos 2017 (JUNE)

As bloggers, we always need free photos for posts,articles and other marketing demands. There are tons of websites which offer images for money. But not all of us afford paying bucks for photos. There, you can use free stock images from the websites listed below.

Fortunately, there are growing number of sites which offer stock photos for free to their audiences. I did my best to list exciting websites for free stock photos. I placed the most popular sites with sample photos in the top 10. Click on the rest websites to check their pictures as well.

Pay Close Attention to Licenses Before Using

Many of the websites below use Creative Commons Public Domain License which means you are free to copy,edit,distribute photos for personal usages. You can even use those images for commercial projects. Nonetheless, part of photos require attribution licenses ( you must credit to the original author ).

Hope, now ,you are ready to explore the wonderful sites with fascinating free stock photos. Also, check out the end of the post for bonus list.

1 PixaBay.com

My favorite free stock image website. Pixabay is the source for all the pics in this blog. The website works really fast and you can find photos for any topic there. At their FAQ, they state a license as Creative Commons Public Domain deed CC0. Thus you can download, edit, share those stock pictures without asking for permission. All images are copyright free.


2 FreeImages.com

FreeImages.com is the next website offering high quality stock pictures for free. When you enter the site, you can see there are over 410.000 free images from various authors. The license and usage for the photos is noted on the bottom and right side of the pics. However, you have to register at the site in order to download images to your PC.

3 FreeStockPhotos.biz

Another cool site with free high quality photos. There are 15.209 images at the website ready for download. You can sort the pictures by most popular, most downloaded, most viewed and newest releases. Licenses varies by the authors. For example, the image below is licensed under CC Attribution ShareaLike 2.5 and must contain link back to the original author, Mark Sebastian. Always check the license under the images before using them.

4 MorgueFile.com

At Morgue File you can download high resolution photos, adapt them and use for commercial purposes without attribution. But you can not sell and claim ownership of the pictures from Morgue File. So, without breaking the rules, download free stock images from MF.

5 UnSplash.com

UnSplash.com has an excellent collection of free high quality photos with CC Zero license. You can subscribe to the site and receive 30 HQ photos each month. They mostly share nature images, but you can also find other kinds of photos at their website.

6 FreeImages.co.uk

UK based stock photos site with 13.700 pictures in 88 categories. Yet, you always need to link back to their website when using pictures from FreeImages.co.uk. No problem at all, just credit the site for the qualitative photos.

7 StockVault.net

They host more than 51.000 images at their website. The photos are free for personal and non commercial use. Check out their FAQ and Terms of Use pages for more information.

8 FreeRangeStock.com

Free Range is just another free photo site with qualitative images. You must register to download pictures from this site. They ask to give link back to their website when using images,but if you don't want,they say it is OK. They also offer revenue sharing for photo uploaders.

9 FreePik.com

FreePic offers free photos with Creative Commons license. More than 196K images are waiting for your usage. Download only high resolution images from authors around the world.

10 StockPhotosforFree.com

Hosting 100.000+ images on their website. Read their license agreement before downloading free stock photos from StockPhotosforFree. You have to be a member before downloading, just connect via Facebook to get high quality photos.


50 More Free Stock Photo Sites to Download High Quality Images.


11. FreeDigitalPhotos.net

12. LifeofPix.com

13. FreePhotosBank.com

14. DreamSite.com

15. Fotolia.com

16. Public Domain Photos

17. StockFreeImages.com

18. Stocksy.com

19. ThinkStockPhotos.com

20. PixelPerfectDigital.com

21. RGbStock.com

22. 123RF.com

23. FreePixels.com

24. TwnSnd.co

25. RaumRot.com

26. PhotoRack.net


27. Veer.com

28. GettyImages.com

29. LockandStockPhotos.com

30. QualityStockPhotos.com

31. EveryStockPhoto.com

32. StartupStockPhotos.com

33. PhotoGen.com

34. KaveWall.com

35. Pexels.com

36. YunPhoto.net

37. StockPhotos.io

38. PublicDomainPictures.net

39. ImageBase.net

40. PublicDomainArchive.com

41. PicJumbo.com

42. DeathtotheStockPhoto.com

43. UnRestrictedStock.com


44. SuniPix.com

45. StokPic.com

46. FreeStock.ca

47. SkitterPhoto.com

48. PhotoCase.com

49. ImCreator.com

50. SuperFamous.com

51. ISORepublic.com

52. KaboomPics.com

53. Gratisography.com

54. LittleVisuals.co

55. Magdeleine.co

56. MMT.LI

57. HiResStock.com

58. JayMantri.com

59. Authenticsnaps.com

60. SnapWireSnaps



BONUS: 7 Search Engines for Free Stock Photos


1. Foter.com

2. TheStocks.im

3. Veezle.com

4. CreativeCommons Search

5. Flickr CC Search

6. ComFight.com

7. Picfindr.com


Wish, I managed to be helpful for many of the bloggers, graphic designers or anyone. If you have free stock image site or use the one which is not listed above, let me know via comments form below. I will add that to the list with great pleasure.

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